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The Dr Louise Oliver Brain & Body Boost challenge © 2021


If I offered my patients a medication that was free, was very unlikely to produce unwanted side effects and improved motivation, relationships, sleep, digestion, well-being as well as reduced pain and stress I would be inundated with requests to prescribe. The good news it is available to you now however it doesn’t come in the form of a tablet.

Efficient breathing is the foundation of good health and well-being


Efficient breathing at rest should be through the nose, quiet, slow, driven by the diaphragm and almost undetectable. If your breathing is not like this your body can be trained to breathe efficiently again.


Click for detailed information on how you can improve your breathing


I have lots of other videos you may find helpful on my YouTube channel. Click here to view them​

Guided breathing exercise with Patrick McKeown 


Patrick McKeown is creator, CEO and Director of Education and Training at Oxygen Advantage®, Director of Education and Training at Buteyko Clinic International and President of Buteyko Professionals International. Patrick's focus is to empower more people every day to breathe better, feel better and achieve their potential. I had the pleasure of training under Patrick's instruction at Buteyko Clinic International.


This 20 minute deep relaxation exercise induces a sense of calm and relaxation. I would recommend listening to this prior to bed to help the body transition into sleep. The more you practice this exercise the more powerful it becomes. Enjoy. 


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